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Pozvánka Rosky Liberec - Krajské týdny pro neziskový sektor
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EMSP akce pro mladé pacienty do 35 let

Datum konání:

Dear all,

I am very happy to be sharing with you the next YPN Capacity Building
opportunity! We are partnering up with The Good Lobby [1] to deliver a
series of training sessions on Social Media for Change. We, as (future)
MS youth advocates, use social media to spread our message towards
effectively. Hence, going forward, EMSP wants to equip you with the
necessary skills needed to use various social media platforms and tools
in a meaningful and responsible way to promote public health concerns.

The training

The workshops, tailored to EMSP’s needs and based on TGL’s expertise
in using social media for change, aim to give participants a broad
overview of the tips and tools available to young patient advocates to
make the most out of social media to achieve broader impact.

The first workshop will draw from TGL’s booklet Social Media for
Change: providing an overview of the different types of platforms
available and their intended use as well as how to create appropriate
content for each platform (going from posts, reels and video, to
branding). This session aims to provide new advocates with a solid
foundation for their work, as well as to act as a “refresher course”
for more seasoned media professionals and remain insightful for all
levels through innovative tips, real-life examples, and interactive

The second workshop will dive into another level of practical tools and
tips and will be more focused on campaigns, building on the skills from
the first session using relevant, real-life case studies as well as
TGL’s methodology and expertise. Participants will leave feeling
inspired and equipped to launch or grow their own social media work.

The third workshop will focus on putting things into action, where the
group will launch their own online campaign.

The timing

The training will take place on:

    * Thursday, 15 December 2022 from 17.00- 18.30 CET
    * Thursday, 19 January 2023 from 17.00- 18.30 CET
    * Thursday, 16 February 2023 from 17.00- 18.30 CET

The Good Lobby

The training will be given by The Good Lobby, an NGO which believes i
that every citizen can make a difference in their community [just like
us!]. The Good Lobby enhances the advocacy capacity of civil society
organizations while making corporate lobbying more transparent, ethical,
and sustainable (“good lobbying”).

The training team:

Kelsey Beltz - Managing Director: A dedicated advocate for social
justice issues, Kelsey oversees all ongoing projects at The Good Lobby.
She is particularly involved in designing and delivering educational
activities such as The Good Lobby Climate Incubator, Advocacy Academies,
and lobbying workshops. Prior to joining The Good Lobby, she has worked
at OECD Development Centre and NYU School of Law, as well as multiple
NGOs working on migration issues in Paris, Boston, and New York. She
holds a Master of Public Policy from Sciences Po Paris and a Master of
Law and Diplomacy from The Fletcher School at Tufts University.

Davide Muraro - Policy & Legal Strategist: Davide is a versatile and
academically grounded public affairs professional, working on strategic
research and advocacy activities aimed at equalising access to power,
through reformed public participation mechanisms, and more responsible
corporate political activities. In the past, Davide worked in several
public relations, advocacy and research roles for international
companies and NGOs, including Greenpeace and the European Institute of
Public Administration. He holds a Master's Degree in European Affairs
(Sciences Po Paris, cum laude) and a Bachelor's Degree in European Law
(Maastricht University).

Marilia Rojas - Brand Designer and Social Media Expert: Marilia is a
branding designer and strategic thinker with an understanding of design
within a socio-cultural environment. At The Good Lobby, she uses her
creative skills to bring influential projects to life. Prior to joining
The Good Lobby, Marilia worked as a Freelance Graphic Designer helping
small businesses and organisations engage with audiences through visual
communication. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Media &
Information Design at LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. Marilia holds a
Masters in Graphic Branding & Identity from London College of
Communication and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design from The
George Washington University.

Sounds exciting? Sign up here [2] before the 1st of December 2022!

I am excited to see you all there! If you have any questions, please let
me know ????

Kind regards,

Simina Peterfi
Community Manager


European Multiple Sclerosis Platform

Rue Auguste Lambiotte 144/8

B-1030 Brussels, Belgium

t: +32 (2) 304 5012

e: simina.peterfi@emsp.org







